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[title_box title=”about me” subtitle=”WELCOME TO MY CORNER OF THE WEB.”]
Serendipity, is a self-given nickname that represents the way I see the world. I try to share the essence of this with others through a creative lens; my aesthetic focuses on themes of beauty, simplicity, and emotional dichotomies. My crafts are AV production, coding, photography, and illustration. My background lies in over 14 years of working on freelance/hobbyist projects, business clientele, and project management.
This website is my namesake and collection of my efforts to produce and catalog impressive experiences that blur the lines between the physical and digital realm; organic and inorganic. Here you can browse my portfolio, services, and my blog (which details my travels, thoughts, and business-related articles).
You probably found this website because you are an artist, an engineer, a creative, a friend, or some kind of business professional. Day to day we all have different kinds of problems; from boredom, business, and creative-blocks… this website aims to make your life more enjoyable and a whole lot easier.
My home base is Cambridge, USA. However, I consider Slovenia a second home and myself to be a remote worker. If I am not able to assist you on site or remotely I will be able to refer you to someone in my network who can.
If you are interested in any of my services, contact me right away! I’ll get all of your contact information and set up a requirements/discovery call. From there I’ll send you a proposal and if you sign it we can get started at your earliest convenience.
[button text=”download resume” link=”https://www.emmagersten.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Emma-Gersten-Resume-03-03-2017.pdf” style=”primary” size=”large” target=”_blank” display=”inline” class=”download” icon=”no”]
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[title_box title=”my skills” subtitle=”I AM REALLY GOOD AT THE FOLLOWING TECHNICAL SKILLS”]
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[title_box title=”portfolio” subtitle=”My latest works showcase”]
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